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倒轉 (Tó-tńg) (khì)Wikipedia:所有 (Só͘-ū) (ê)Wikipedia版本 (pán-pún) (lóng)應該 (èng-kai) (ū)文章 (bûn-chiuⁿ)/擴充 (Khok-chhiong)

Physical sciences, 1350[修改]

Science, 10[修改]

Astronomy, 277[修改]

Basics, 5[修改]

  1. (wd) Astronomy
  2. (wd) Astrobiology
  3. (wd) Extinction (astronomy)
  4. (wd) Extraterrestrial life
  5. (wd) Magnitude (astronomy)

Astrometry, 88[修改]

  1. (wd) Astrometry
  2. (wd) Angular resolution
  3. (wd) Cosmic distance ladder
  4. (wd) Parallax
  5. (wd) Photometry (astronomy)
Celestial sphere, 83
  1. (wd) Celestial coordinate system
    1. (wd) Declination
    2. (wd) Right ascension
  2. (wd) Celestial equator
  3. (wd) Celestial sphere
  4. (wd) Equinox
  5. (wd) Ecliptic
  6. (wd) Horizon
  7. (wd) Nadir
  8. (wd) Solstice
  9. (wd) Star chart
  10. (wd) Zenith
  11. (wd) Zodiac
Constellations, 70
(IAU)constellations, 65
  1. (wd) Constellation
  2. (wd) Andromeda (constellation)
  3. (wd) Aquarius (constellation)
  4. (wd) Aquila (constellation)
  5. (wd) Ara (constellation)
  6. (wd) Aries (constellation)
  7. (wd) Auriga (constellation)
  8. (wd) Boötes
  9. (wd) Camelopardalis
  10. (wd) Cancer (constellation)
  11. (wd) Canes Venatici
  12. (wd) Canis Major
  13. (wd) Canis Minor
  14. (wd) Capricornus
  15. (wd) Carina (constellation)
  16. (wd) Cassiopeia (constellation)
  17. (wd) Centaurus
  18. (wd) Cepheus (constellation)
  19. (wd) Cetus
  20. (wd) Columba (constellation)
  21. (wd) Coma Berenices
  22. (wd) Corona Australis
  23. (wd) Corona Borealis
  24. (wd) Corvus (constellation)
  25. (wd) Crater (constellation)
  26. (wd) Crux
  27. (wd) Cygnus (constellation)
  28. (wd) Delphinus
  29. (wd) Draco (constellation)
  30. (wd) Equuleus
  31. (wd) Eridanus (constellation)
  32. (wd) Gemini (constellation)
  33. (wd) Hercules (constellation)
  34. (wd) Hydra (constellation)
  35. (wd) Lacerta
  36. (wd) Leo (constellation)
  37. (wd) Leo Minor
  38. (wd) Lepus (constellation)
  39. (wd) Libra (constellation)
  40. (wd) Lupus (constellation)
  41. (wd) Lynx (constellation)
  42. (wd) Lyra
  43. (wd) Monoceros
  44. (wd) Ophiuchus
  45. (wd) Orion (constellation)
  46. (wd) Pegasus (constellation)
  47. (wd) Perseus (constellation)
  48. (wd) Pisces (constellation)
  49. (wd) Piscis Austrinus
  50. (wd) Puppis
  51. (wd) Pyxis
  52. (wd) Sagitta
  53. (wd) Sagittarius (constellation)
  54. (wd) Scorpius
  55. (wd) Scutum
  56. (wd) Serpens
  57. (wd) Sextans
  58. (wd) Taurus (constellation)
  59. (wd) Triangulum
  60. (wd) Triangulum Australe
  61. (wd) Ursa Major
  62. (wd) Ursa Minor
  63. (wd) Vela (constellation)
  64. (wd) Virgo (constellation)
  65. (wd) Vulpecula
Chinese constellations, 5
  1. (wd) Chinese constellations
    1. (wd) Vermilion Bird
    2. (wd) White Tiger
    3. (wd) Black Tortoise
    4. (wd) Azure Dragon

Astronomical objects, 74[修改]

Celestial mechanics, 20[修改]

Galactic astronomy and Extragalactic astronomy, 32[修改]

Observational astronomy, 3[修改]

  1. (wd) Absolute magnitude
  2. (wd) Apparent magnitude
  3. (wd) Observatory

Physical cosmology, 14[修改]

Planetary science, 8[修改]

Stellar astronomy, 33[修改]

Chemistry, 361[修改]

Basics, 49[修改]

Analytical chemistry, 6[修改]

Chemical substances, 257[修改]

Chemical elements, 144[修改]
Basics, 6
  1. (wd) Chemical element
  2. (wd) List of elements
  3. (wd) Atomic number
  4. (wd) Atomic mass
  5. (wd) Periodic table
  6. (wd) Period (periodic table)
Chemical element groups, 20
  1. (wd) Metal
  2. (wd) Alkali metal
  3. (wd) Alkaline earth metal
  4. (wd) Lanthanide
  5. (wd) Actinide
  6. (wd) Transition metal
  7. (wd) Metalloid
  8. (wd) Halogen
  9. (wd) Noble gas
  10. (wd) Group 3 element
  11. (wd) Group 4 element
  12. (wd) Group 5 element
  13. (wd) Group 6 element
  14. (wd) Group 12 element
  15. (wd) Boron group
  16. (wd) Carbon group
  17. (wd) Pnictogen
  18. (wd) Period 1 element
  19. (wd) Period 2 element
  20. (wd) Period 3 element
Chemical elements, 118
  1. (wd) Hydrogen (H)
  2. (wd) Helium ( (He))
  3. (wd) Lithium (Li)
  4. (wd) Beryllium ( (Be))
  5. (wd) Boron (B)
  6. (wd) Carbon (C)
  7. (wd) Nitrogen (N)
  8. (wd) Oxygen (O)
  9. (wd) Fluorine (F)
  10. (wd) Neon ( (Ne))
  11. (wd) Sodium ( (Na))
  12. (wd) Magnesium (Mg)
  13. (wd) Aluminium (Al)
  14. (wd) Silicon ( (Si))
  15. (wd) Phosphorus (P)
  16. (wd) Sulfur (S)
  17. (wd) Chlorine (Cl)
  18. (wd) Argon (Ar)
  19. (wd) Potassium (K)
  20. (wd) Calcium (Ca)
  21. (wd) Scandium (Sc)
  22. (wd) Titanium ( (Ti))
  23. (wd) Vanadium (V)
  24. (wd) Chromium (Cr)
  25. (wd) Manganese (Mn)
  26. (wd) Iron (Fe)
  27. (wd) Cobalt (Co)
  28. (wd) Nickel ( (Ni))
  29. (wd) Copper (Cu)
  30. (wd) Zinc (Zn)
  31. (wd) Gallium (Ga)
  32. (wd) Germanium (Ge)
  33. (wd) Arsenic (As)
  34. (wd) Selenium (西 (Se))
  35. (wd) Bromine (Br)
  36. (wd) Krypton (Kr)
  37. (wd) Rubidium (Rb)
  38. (wd) Strontium (Sr)
  39. (wd) Yttrium (Y)
  40. (wd) Zirconium (Zr)
  41. (wd) Niobium (Nb)
  42. (wd) Molybdenum (Mo)
  43. (wd) Technetium (Tc)
  44. (wd) Ruthenium (Ru)
  45. (wd) Rhodium (Rh)
  46. (wd) Palladium (Pd)
  47. (wd) Silver (Ag)
  48. (wd) Cadmium (Cd)
  49. (wd) Indium ( (In))
  50. (wd) (Tin) (Sn)
  51. (wd) Antimony (Sb)
  52. (wd) Tellurium (Te)
  53. (wd) Iodine ( (I))
  54. (wd) Xenon (Xe)
  55. (wd) Caesium (Cs)
  56. (wd) Barium (Ba)
  57. (wd) Lanthanum (La)
  58. (wd) Cerium (Ce)
  59. (wd) Praseodymium (Pr)
  60. (wd) Neodymium (Nd)
  61. (wd) Promethium (Pm)
  62. (wd) Samarium (Sm)
  63. (wd) Europium (Eu)
  64. (wd) Gadolinium (Gd)
  65. (wd) Terbium (Tb)
  66. (wd) Dysprosium (Dy)
  67. (wd) Holmium ( (Ho))
  68. (wd) Erbium (Er)
  69. (wd) Thulium (Tm)
  70. (wd) Ytterbium (Yb)
  71. (wd) Lutetium (Lu)
  72. (wd) Hafnium (Hf)
  73. (wd) Tantalum ( (Ta))
  74. (wd) Tungsten (W)
  75. (wd) Rhenium (Re)
  76. (wd) Osmium (Os)
  77. (wd) Iridium (Ir)
  78. (wd) Platinum (Pt)
  79. (wd) Gold ( (Au))
  80. (wd) Mercury (element) (Hg)
  81. (wd) Thallium (Tl)
  82. (wd) Lead (Pb)
  83. (wd) Bismuth (Bi)
  84. (wd) Polonium (Po)
  85. (wd) Astatine (At)
  86. (wd) Radon (Rn)
  87. (wd) Francium (Fr)
  88. (wd) Radium (Ra)
  89. (wd) Actinium (Ac)
  90. (wd) Thorium (Th)
  91. (wd) Protactinium ( (Pa))
  92. (wd) Uranium (U)
  93. (wd) Neptunium (Np)
  94. (wd) Plutonium ( (Pu))
  95. (wd) Americium ( (Am))
  96. (wd) Curium (Cm)
  97. (wd) Berkelium (Bk)
  98. (wd) Californium (Cf)
  99. (wd) Einsteinium (Es)
  100. (wd) Fermium (Fm)
  101. (wd) Mendelevium (Md)
  102. (wd) Nobelium (No)
  103. (wd) Lawrencium (Lr)
  104. (wd) Rutherfordium (Rf)
  105. (wd) Dubnium (Db)
  106. (wd) Seaborgium (Sg)
  107. (wd) Bohrium (Bh)
  108. (wd) Hassium (Hs)
  109. (wd) Meitnerium (Mt)
  110. (wd) Darmstadtium (Ds)
  111. (wd) Roentgenium (Rg)
  112. (wd) Copernicium (Cn)
  113. (wd) Nihonium (Nh)
  114. (wd) Flerovium (Fl)
  115. (wd) Moscovium (Mc)
  116. (wd) Livermorium (Lv)
  117. (wd) Tennessine (Ts)
  118. (wd) Oganesson (Og)
Chemical compounds, 65[修改]
Chemical mixtures, 19[修改]

Pharmacy, 2[修改]

Earth science, 262[修改]

For specific geographical objects see Geography

General, 1[修改]

Cartography, 2[修改]

  1. (wd) Cartography
  2. (wd) Map

Natural disasters, 6[修改]

Earth, 165[修改]

Geomorphology, 58[修改]
  1. (wd) Geomorphology
  2. (wd) Erosion
  3. (wd) Mesa
  4. (wd) Stack (geology)
  5. (wd) Weathering
Landforms, 53
  1. (wd) Landform
  2. (wd) Mountain
  3. (wd) Mountain range
  4. (wd) Plateau
  5. (wd) Hill
  6. (wd) Valley
  7. (wd) Plain
Fluvial landforms, 9
  1. (wd) Alluvial fan
  2. (wd) Beach
  3. (wd) Canyon
  4. (wd) Cliff
  5. (wd) Floodplain
  6. (wd) Meander
  7. (wd) Oasis
  8. (wd) Rapid
  9. (wd) Waterfall
Glacial landforms, 3
  1. (wd) Cirque
  2. (wd) Esker
  3. (wd) Fjord
Karst, 3
  1. (wd) Speleology
  2. (wd) Cave
  3. (wd) Karst
Oceanic and coastal landforms, 11
  1. (wd) Atoll
  2. (wd) Bay
  3. (wd) Coast
  4. (wd) Continental shelf
  5. (wd) Coral reef
  6. (wd) Lagoon
  7. (wd) Oceanic trench
  8. (wd) Peninsula
  9. (wd) Isthmus
  10. (wd) Island
  11. (wd) Seamount
Volcanic landforms, 10
  1. (wd) Volcano
  2. (wd) Caldera
  3. (wd) Geyser
  4. (wd) Hotspot (geology)
  5. (wd) Mid-ocean ridge
  6. (wd) Volcanic crater
  7. (wd) Volcanic plug
  8. (wd) Lava dome
  9. (wd) Submarine volcano
  10. (wd) Guyot
Aeolian landforms, 2
  1. (wd) Aeolian processes
  2. (wd) Dune
Artificial landforms, 8
  1. (wd) Canal
  2. (wd) Reservoir
  3. (wd) Polder
  4. (wd) Artificial island
  5. (wd) Levee
  6. (wd) Quarry
  7. (wd) Ditch
  8. (wd) Land reclamation
Biomes, 26[修改]
Pedology (soil study), 3[修改]

Air, 61[修改]

Climatology, 7[修改]
Meteorology, 45[修改]

Water, 27[修改]

Physics, 364[修改]

  1. (wd) Physics
  2. (wd) Allotropy
  3. (wd) Geiger–Marsden experiment
  4. (wd) Osmosis
  5. (wd) Quantum field theory
  6. (wd) Remote sensing
  7. (wd) Alpha decay
  8. (wd) Absolute zero
  9. (wd) Adiabatic process
  10. (wd) Butterfly effect
  11. (wd) Brownian motion
  12. (wd) Beta decay
  13. (wd) Classical element
  14. (wd) Corona
  15. (wd) Density
  16. (wd) Electronvolt
  17. (wd) Electron microscope
  18. (wd) Fundamental interaction
  19. (wd) Elementary particle
  20. (wd) Ferromagnetism
  21. (wd) Graviton
  22. (wd) Heat engine
  23. (wd) Heavy water
  24. (wd) Hydrolysis
  25. (wd) Insulator (electricity)
  26. (wd) Ionosphere
  27. (wd) Mach number
  28. (wd) Mohs scale of mineral hardness
  29. (wd) Magnetosphere
  30. (wd) Obsidian
  31. (wd) Physical quantity
  32. (wd) Pump
  33. (wd) PH
  34. (wd) Precession
  35. (wd) Quantum computer
  36. (wd) Refraction
  37. (wd) Standard conditions for temperature and pressure
  38. (wd) Schrödinger's cat
  39. (wd) Tunguska event
  40. (wd) Time travel
  41. (wd) Voltage
  42. (wd) Wavelength
  43. (wd) Wormhole
  44. (wd) Enthalpy of vaporization
  45. (wd) Ballistic missile
  46. (wd) Gravitational constant
  47. (wd) Vapor pressure
  48. (wd) Black body
  49. (wd) Electrolyte
  50. (wd) Gravitational lens
  51. (wd) Atomic radius
  52. (wd) Boltzmann constant
  53. (wd) Biophysics
  54. (wd) Perpetual motion
  55. (wd) Dew point
  56. (wd) Compton scattering
  57. (wd) Thermal conductivity
  58. (wd) Solubility
  59. (wd) Ionization energy
  60. (wd) Van Allen radiation belt
  61. (wd) Hydraulics
  62. (wd) Magnetic flux
  63. (wd) Boyle's law
  64. (wd) Ideal gas
  65. (wd) Angular velocity
  66. (wd) Foucault pendulum
  67. (wd) Geocentric model
  68. (wd) Apsis
  69. (wd) Metronome
  70. (wd) Water vapor
  71. (wd) Electromagnet
  72. (wd) Second law of thermodynamics
  73. (wd) Orbital period
  74. (wd) Fluorescent lamp
  75. (wd) First law of thermodynamics
  76. (wd) Heat transfer
  77. (wd) Heat capacity
  78. (wd) Electrical conductor
  79. (wd) Adsorption
  80. (wd) Heliocentrism
  81. (wd) St。 Elmo's fire
  82. (wd) Archimedes' principle
  83. (wd) Internal energy
  84. (wd) Astrophysics
  85. (wd) Reflection (physics)
  86. (wd) Wind wave
  87. (wd) Permeability (electromagnetism)
  88. (wd) Hardness
  89. (wd) Atomism
  90. (wd) Spin (physics)
  91. (wd) Theoretical physics
  92. (wd) Semi-major axis
  93. (wd) Event horizon

Fundamental physics concepts, 20[修改]

  1. (wd) Amplitude
  2. (wd) Atom
  3. (wd) Energy
    1. (wd) Mass–energy equivalence
    2. (wd) Conservation of energy
  4. (wd) Field (physics)
  5. (wd) Force
    1. (wd) Gravitation
    2. (wd) Strong interaction
    3. (wd) Weak interaction
  6. (wd) Matter
  7. (wd) Power (physics)
  8. (wd) Radiation
    1. (wd) Ionizing radiation
  9. (wd) Space
  10. (wd) Spacetime
  11. (wd) Time
    1. (wd) Planck time
    2. (wd) Planck units
  12. (wd) Vacuum

Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28[修改]

Condensed matter physics, 30[修改]

Electromagnetism, 47[修改]

Mechanics, 66[修改]

  1. (wd) Mechanics
    1. (wd) Aerodynamics
    2. (wd) Continuum mechanics
    3. (wd) Dynamics (mechanics)
    4. (wd) Kinematics
    5. (wd) Soil mechanics
    6. (wd) Statics
    7. (wd) Rheology
  2. (wd) Oscillation
    1. (wd) Harmonic oscillator
Classical mechanics, 24[修改]
  1. (wd) Classical mechanics
  2. (wd) Frame of reference
  3. (wd) Friction
  4. (wd) Impulse (physics)
  5. (wd) Inertia
  6. (wd) Kinetic energy
  7. (wd) Mass
  8. (wd) Moment of inertia
  9. (wd) Momentum
  10. (wd) Motion (physics)
    1. (wd) Acceleration
    2. (wd) Newton's laws of motion
    3. (wd) Speed
    4. (wd) Velocity
  11. (wd) Potential energy
  12. (wd) Rotation
    1. (wd) Angular momentum
    2. (wd) Centrifugal force
    3. (wd) Centripetal force
    4. (wd) Coriolis effect
  13. (wd) Newton's law of universal gravitation
  14. (wd) Torque
  15. (wd) Weight
  16. (wd) Work (physics)
Solid mechanics, 9[修改]
  1. (wd) Solid mechanics
  2. (wd) Elastic modulus
  3. (wd) Fatigue (material)
  4. (wd) Elasticity (physics)
  5. (wd) Hooke's law
  6. (wd) Plasticity (physics)
  7. (wd) Stiffness
  8. (wd) Strength of materials
  9. (wd) Stress (mechanics)
Fluid mechanics, 12[修改]
  1. (wd) Fluid mechanics
  2. (wd) Bernoulli's principle
  3. (wd) Buoyancy
  4. (wd) Convection
  5. (wd) Diffusion
  6. (wd) Fluid dynamics
  7. (wd) Fluid statics
  8. (wd) Navier–Stokes equations
  9. (wd) Reynolds number
  10. (wd) Surface tension
  11. (wd) Turbulence
  12. (wd) Viscosity
Quantum mechanics, 10[修改]
  1. (wd) Quantum mechanics
    1. (wd) Quantum chromodynamics
    2. (wd) Quantum electrodynamics
  2. (wd) Quantum entanglement
  3. (wd) Quantum tunnelling
  4. (wd) Uncertainty principle
  5. (wd) Pauli exclusion principle
  6. (wd) Schrödinger equation
  7. (wd) Wave function
  8. (wd) Wave–particle duality
Statistical mechanics, 1[修改]
  1. (wd) Statistical mechanics

Nuclear physics, 9[修改]

Particle physics, 43[修改]

Theory of relativity, 5[修改]

Thermodynamics, 10[修改]

Waves, 13[修改]

Measurement, 76[修改]

This list contains units of measurement and articles on metrology。 For the measured quantities see Science and Mathematics sections.

Basics, 13[修改]

Angle, 3[修改]

  1. (wd) Degree (angle)
  2. (wd) Radian
  3. (wd) Steradian

Dimension, 24[修改]

Area, 3
  1. (wd) square metre
  2. (wd) Acre
  3. (wd) Hectare
Length, 10
  1. (wd) Angstrom
  2. (wd) Astronomical unit
  3. (wd) Foot (unit)
  4. (wd) Inch
  5. (wd) Light-year
  6. (wd) Metre
  7. (wd) Mile
  8. (wd) Nautical mile
  9. (wd) Parsec
  10. (wd) yard
Time, 9
  1. (wd) Second
  2. (wd) Minute
  3. (wd) Hour
  4. (wd) Day
  5. (wd) Week
  6. (wd) Month
  7. (wd) Year
  8. (wd) Decade
  9. (wd) millennium
Volume, 2
  1. (wd) Gallon
  2. (wd) Litre

Electromagnetism, 10[修改]

  1. (wd) Volt
  2. (wd) Ohm
  3. (wd) Hertz
  4. (wd) Farad
  5. (wd) Coulomb
  6. (wd) Henry (unit)
  7. (wd) Tesla (unit)
  8. (wd) Weber (unit)
Power & Electricity, 2
  1. (wd) Watt
  2. (wd) Ampere

Light, 3[修改]

  1. (wd) Candela
  2. (wd) Lumen (unit)
  3. (wd) Lux

Mechanics, 11[修改]

Energy, force, and pressure, 5
  1. (wd) Atmosphere (unit)
  2. (wd) Joule
  3. (wd) Newton (unit)
  4. (wd) Calorie
  5. (wd) Pascal (unit)
Mass, 5
  1. (wd) Kilogram
  2. (wd) Ton
  3. (wd) Pound (mass)
  4. (wd) Ounce
  5. (wd) Atomic mass unit
Velocity, 1
  1. (wd) Knot (unit)

Quantity, 5[修改]

Amount of Substance, 2
  1. (wd) Amount of substance
  2. (wd) Mole (unit)
Data, 3
  1. (wd) Byte
  2. (wd) Bit
  3. (wd) Baud

Radioactivity, 3[修改]

  1. (wd) Becquerel
  2. (wd) Gray (unit)
  3. (wd) Sievert

Temperature, 3[修改]

  1. (wd) Celsius
  2. (wd) Fahrenheit
  3. (wd) Kelvin

Other, 1[修改]

  1. (wd) Decibel